Výsledky vyhledávání

Našli jsme 852 freelancerů pro kategorii Vývoj softwaru a místo Praha

Python 4 Account management 1 Creative writing 6 Bash (Shell) 4 Translation EN/CZ/FR 6 Git 4 Business Intelligence 2 Business analýza 2 Data analysis 3

Praha, Česká republika

E-Mail Marketing 3 Marketingová propagace 6 Marketing 2 Online Marketing 2 Print Marketing 4 Přímý Marketing 3 Správce sociálních sítí 4 WordPress 4 Adobe Illustrator 3

Praha, Česká republika

Symfony 3 PHP 5 Java 5 Laravel 2

Praha, Česká republika

C# 1

Praha Háje, Česká republika

BPMN 2 UML 1 XML 4 XSD 4 XSLT 4 ArchiMate 1 HTML 1 EDI 4 SQL 2 EPC 1

Praha 2-Nusle, Česká republika

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React 4 HTML 4 CSS 4 JavaScript 4 TypeScript 4 React 4

Praha, Česká republika

AngularJS 2 Angular 3 J2EE 7 TypeScript 2 Maven 7 Node.js 3 Apache Tomcat 2 jetty 2 Oracle WebLogic Server 2 PL/SQL 3

Business Analyst Product Owner

Passionate about digital transformation and desirous to contribute to it as Product Owner or Business Analyst

Praha, Česká republika

UML 2 Jira 3 Bpmn 2 User story 3 Use case 3 Confluence 3 Notion 1

C#/.NET vývojář

A .NET programmer with 4 years of working experience and some other years of programming during my studies. I have finished about 6 big projects (more than 3 months) and numerous smaller projects....

Praha, Česká republika

.NET 5 SQL 2 WCF, REST API 3 RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 1 jQuery 1 Kendo UI FW 1 ASP.NET CORE 2 .NET CORE 1 EF CORE 3 Docker 1 RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 2 .NET 10 SQL 7 WCF, REST API 6 jQuery 3 ASP.NET CORE 2 .NET CORE 3 Docker 2

C# . NET developer

My main assets are a combination of logical thinking, fast learning abilities, a keen sense for work quality and effectiveness, a commitment to continuous self-education, capacity to work...

Praha 3, Česká republika

.NET 15 C# 15 PowerShell 8 Git 10 WPF 10 ASP.NET 12 HTML 12 CSS 12 JavaScript 12 Microsoft Azure 6