Life Coach
Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy
Dostupnost: pouze pro ÄŤleny
Ochota cestovat: Evropa
ProfesnĂ stav: Freelancer
PoslednĂ aktualizace: 30. 5. 2024
Celkové pracovnà zkušenosti:
Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Čeština, Španělština,
OsobnĂ pĹ™edstavenĂ
I'm damnđź’™good, and so are you. I help overwhelmed leaders think less. I transform anxiety into joy and peace. My mission is to support the powerful, outstanding, and exceptional human beings (yes, you) who tend to be overthinkers, perfectionists, or introverts. I support them to believe that they are damnđź’™good just the way they are. I guide them to act on their seemingly crazy dreams. I help them conquer their fears and anxiety and live their daily lives fully, joyfully, and peacefully. I connect heads and hearts. I awaken kindness. I train minds. I believe, that thinking doesn't overcome fear. Action does.
nenásilná komunikace6 somatickĂ© kouÄŤovánĂ3 kouÄŤovánĂ4 positive intelligence3 stress management5 Ĺ kolenĂ / Coaching5 TrĂ©nink - kouÄŤovacĂ dovednosti5 Psychoterapie3 TrĂ©nink komunikace6 ProjektovĂ© Ĺ™ĂzenĂ - Komunikace8JazykovĂ© znalosti
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