.net developer

Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy

Dostupnost: pouze pro členy

Ochota cestovat: V okolí (100 km)

Profesní stav: Zaměstnanec

Poslední aktualizace: 6. 3. 2024

Celkové pracovní zkušenosti: 4 Rok/-y

Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina,

Osobní představení

Greetings! I am an experienced C#/.NET developer with a strong background in WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and microservice development. I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in building robust and user-friendly applications using these technologies. Throughout my career, I have successfully developed WPF applications that provide rich and interactive user experiences. I have a deep understanding of the WPF framework, including XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) and data binding, which allows me to create visually appealing and responsive interfaces. Leveraging my expertise in WPF, I have implemented various features such as data visualization, custom controls, and animation to enhance the overall user experience. n addition to WPF, I have a keen interest and experience in microservice development. I understand the benefits of building applications using a microservices architecture, which allows for scalability, maintainability, and flexibility. I have successfully designed and implemented microservices.By breaking down complex applications into smaller, independent services, I have been able to create systems that are highly scalable, resilient, and easy to deploy and manage. Moreover, I have a strong understanding of software design patterns, including those commonly used in WPF and microservice development. I am well-versed in MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern for WPF, which promotes separation of concerns and facilitates unit testing and code maintainability. Throughout my career, I have also been dedicated to writing clean and maintainable code. I follow industry best practices for code style and adhere to principles such as SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion). I value the importance of unit testing and have extensive experience in writing unit tests to ensure the reliability and quality of my code.

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